Booking & Planning
With over 30 years of experience in the school ski business, we know what it takes to effectively plan and run a ski trip your students will remember for years to come. Our team of ski tour experts are on-hand to ensure every aspect of your booking is covered.
This section provides information on various areas Party Leaders need to consider for their school ski trip. Whether you are leading your first ski trip or have experience in leading school tours abroad, the pages below provide information on the booking process, health and safety, SkiBound quality control, and additional guidance on promoting your school ski tour to your students.
Booking & Planning

How we help
Our team of experts are on-hand to support you every step of the way with all the practical help and guidance you need to run a successful school ski trip. Whether it is advice on completing your health and safety assessments, our 24-hour phone support line or educational enrichment opportunities for your students, our SkiBound team is here to help.
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How to book
Whether you are new to leading school ski trips or have been running them for years, we have created five easy steps to creating the ultimate ski trip for your students. From information on ski quotes to promoting your tour, follow these simple steps to creating lasting memories for your school.
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Accommodation & transport
The SkiBound programme provides schools with a range of accommodation and transport options for your school. Each aspect must face rigorous Health & Safety Audits in order to meet our high standards. Learn about the processes we have in place to secure the best for your group and ensure the smooth running of your ski trip.
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Find out about our travel insurance policy and how we can help provide cover for your school ski group. It is important to understand the inclusions of your insurance document as required by most Local Education Authorities (LEAs). Our SkiBound team can run through your options and explain how your ski group is covered financially.
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The safety of all who travel with us is our top priority, which is why we have a Safety Management System (SMS) in place covering every aspect of your trip. Learn about the protocols we have set for everything from pre-tour to in-resort activities in order to reinforce our high standards and meet the requirements set by the School Travel Forum (STF).
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Promoting your trip
The ski trip is one of the lasting memories from a student’s time at school. We look to make the process of organising your trip as seamless as possible and can provide a range of bespoke material to support the uptake of your school ski trip. Presentations, posters and promotional letters are all available upon request.
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Holiday Extras
We have been working with a number of different suppliers to try and make it easier, and cheaper, for you to add the ‘icing on the cake’. Why not take advantage of the following excellent offers and make your forthcoming school ski trip extra special! From all-inclusive to no medical excess, tour hoodies to ski extras... we can arrange all the holiday extras you require.
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Parent information
SkiBound have been operating school ski tours for over 30 years and are the market leader in providing an unforgettable winter experience for students. Learn about the structure of a school ski trip and how this bonding experience provides students with the opportunity to develop outside the classroom.
Click to find out moreBrowse Our Brochures At Your Convenience
Check out the whole range of resorts available with our online brochure.